Crap Looking Books isn't just about intentionally judging books by their covers, and questioning if those judgements were right! It's about over-turning expectations and challenging preconceptions of books and literature. It's about asking "What on earth?" and then asking "Why?". To learn more give this a read, or head on over to our Facebook page.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Crap Looking Book Impressions #3: Northworld: Vengeance

Next up in the crosshairs, David Drake's Vengeance. What is NOT to love about this Crap Looking but also somehow awesome book cover? We’ve got two robot suits of armour, battling in the snow with what look like either laser whips or red liquorice pipes. The robots have the anatomy and proportion of a middleweight Rob Liefield cover, but I think you have to forgive that because they’re LASER-BATTLING ROBOTS IN THE SNOW!

I feel like the book is trying to convince me that there is some serious awesomeness contained in the pages, like every day I don’t read it I’m missing out on a fantastic explosion of awe that will seriously shake the foundation of my inner being. There’s going to be blow-by-blow descriptions of fights. There’s going to be blood. There’s going to be very little plotting or story, and what there is will be squeezed into heavily-worded chapters every 100 pages or so before we get back to the action.

Be fair now, it's clearly over-compensating for something. I expect to love it, and I expect it to be shit.


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